Open Versus Closed Application Programming Interfaces


Open Application Programming Interfaces are a relatively new type of software that has been gaining more and more traction in recent years. They have become popular for the fact that they allow third-party developers to create plugins, extensions, and other programs from scratch without having to go through the typical copyright processes. This allows users to customize their experience with open source applications much more than they could with closed source programs.

What is an Application Programming Interface?

Applications Programming Interfaces, or APIs, are tools and standards that one should consider when purchasing a software package. A company builds API to make it easier for developers to construct apps that will work in the environment they have created.

The interface is like a door between the person who makes an app and the computer that they use to make it. The different commands are, like building blocks, A developer creates a piece of software. They take different pieces and put them together to make it work.

API Examples in the Real World

Information gets from your phone to software through API. Think of a mortgage as getting money from the bank. When you get money at the bank, you can take it in person or put it into your account. You can read and pick up pamphlets about what you want, but the teller ultimately connects you to a system behind the counter that interprets your request. In this example, the bank teller functions like an API. 

Build your company's software strategy around the best API (application programming interface).

Difference Between Open and Closed Source API

Once you understand what API is, the next step will be to get a grip on the difference between open and closed APIs. 

The main difference between closed and open APIs is access. Producers of an open API want it to be accessible to outside developers. The main benefit is that it stimulates innovation and increases growth without the API publisher having to retain a high investment. The company may be able to hire contractors or in-house developers for the job, but getting up-and-coming developers to work on applications for the environment created by the company. 

Examples of open APIs include Amazon's Affiliate Program. Developers can use an API to monetize their website or app with Amazon.

With closed APIs, the company is When relying on external vendors. Companies use past work and data for the development of their applications. This is a program that you can use. It gives the programmer more control. They can make different apps, too. The API might be closed to the public, but that does not mean the end product will be. Many apps are developed through the closed API. Some of these apps will be available to the general public, and some will be for organizations outside of the publisher.

Which Interface Is Best for You?

Figuring out the appropriate API solution for your organization is no easy task. Closed APPs are more often used because of their uniformity, but it is less accessible for outside development teams that want to create apps. Keeping Open APIs will be better for security, but they grant the software publisher less control over which apps to allow. 

The best software for ECM is going to be a closed model because it offers better security control. When deciding on software for your company, look at the differences between an open and closed system. Third-party apps may introduce stability and functionality issues.

However, there are many open API-friendly companies, and not all applications work with a closed API. Docupile desktop offers a DMS program that integrates with a range of different software. Docupile is open source which means it can be integrated with other business applications more easily. Beyond these and other primary considerations, they also offer industry-specific systems that can be used for things like HR. 

The API will depend on your company's needs, like what you need to do with the web. Finding the perfect program means making a comparison between open and closed-API and determining from there. Open APIs can be a great fit for small companies that want to take advantage of the open environment, but they may come with some compromises. If you want security and stability, then closed API might be the best way. But companies like Docupile offer the best of both worlds. Let's talk today!


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