Which Things Must be Included in a Good Document Management System?

Document management systems are an essential tool in today's digital advanced world. A global survey of employees and IT professionals at the IDC in 2012 showed that document challenges caused 21.3 percent of productivity losses. Due to time or space constraints, employees cannot find the right documents at the right time or access the document. All these are considerable losses in productivity!

Let us see what features a good Document Management System must include to accomplish easier, faster, and efficient documentation:

Cloud Storage And Connectivity: 

There is no real DMS that does not offer cloud storage that serves as the central hub for uploading files. However, there are several differences in the level of contact with this central hub. It is essential to consider where, how, and when you can access your DMS. 

Some systems combine browser to access and a separate application to give you multiple ways to access the central hub, while others provide just one of the two. Some systems have limiters where you can download files and which files you can download. It is essential to consider these characteristics, or sometimes the lack of them, when deciding which system works for your business. 

Scanning Capabilities:

If you still have many paper-sized documents, many good DMS scanning software comes with software that you can use to move all essential documents to a central hub. This feature can also be handy if your company attends or hosts a large number of events where paperwork is exchanged to ensure that no information is lost. When considering this feature, it is essential to consider what technology is used for the scanning task.

Technologies like the 'Optical Character Recognition' (OCR) and 'Intelligent Character Recognition' (ICR) must be standardized to get your documents to the cloud.

Search And Metadata Function:

You must have a DMS search function. This feature helps you find your documents faster and easier. You need to pay full attention to the metadata function with this function. The appropriate metadata feature allows you to create background identification for everything in your hub. The ability to search metadata with the help of a reliable metadata function enables you to acquire the right document at the right time at any time.

Built-in Document Editor:

A great feature to look at in a DMS is a built-in document editor or creator. It allows you to correct and modify documents without downloading and opening them in a separate program. Simultaneously, you can instantly create a new document and save it in the right place.

Document Version Controls:

The version control of documents is an essential function that your DMS must-have. This includes a list of who had made changes to a document and what and when those changes were made, so you always have a complete view of a document's progress over time. This function creates a comprehensive or organized list of older document versions to ensure that you do not lose any critical information in the event of an error.

Permission Controls:

Another essential feature of your DMS is managing permissions in the system and controlling who can do what allows you to maintain data integrity and ensure that files are not accidentally moved or deleted.

Universal Format Support:

It generates spreadsheets and word documents for all sorts of organizations including school document management systems. Videos, website scripts, images, etc., are examples of files that need to be stored, maintained, and tracked when required. Therefore, your DMS should support different file formats so that you do not save the files in separate places again.

One of the leading Document Storage Solutions with all these features is 'Docupile,' the smartest document management service provider on the planet.

'Docupile' is a next-generation cloud based document storage system that helps teams collaborate, share, track, and manage all their documents, files, and other important content in one place.


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